K-Well Industry Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Epichlorohydrin
CAS No: 106-89-8
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Alcohol and aether compounds
Product spec: 99.5% min.
Packing: Packing in 200kg net iron drums or 25mt tanks
Post Time: 2010-06-22
Description: Epichlorohydrin 99.5% min. CAS: 106-89-8 Molar mass 92.52 g/mol ECH 3-CHLORO-1, 2-EPOXYPROPANE C3H5CLO Density: 1.181 Flash Point: 10.6 deg. C. Packing in 200kg net iron drums or 25mt tanks
Recipient: Mr. Ben Chou Company: K-Well Industry Co., Ltd.
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